President Donald Ramotar on Saturday, January 28, evening at the Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG) annual awards ceremony and dinner, pledged government’s continued support to the tourism sector as it is a promising one with a wealth of potential that will boom in Guyana in years to come.
THAG awardees with President Donald Ramotar
According to a Government Information Agency (GINA) release, the annual event was hosted under the theme “Building Partnerships for the future of Guyana’s Tourism” at the Princess Hotel, Providence, East Bank Demerara.
A number of members and partners of the sector were recognised for their contributions and commitment to the sustainable development and promotion of the tourism industry. President Ramotar said that he was happy to be a part of the event which testifies to government’s continued support to the sector.
“This is a growing and new sector in our society… those clever business people would do well as they have a great advantage to establish themselves in the industry, as we will have a rush coming to the sector over the coming years as Guyana is an extremely beautiful country,” President Ramotar said.
The head of state believes that Guyana has the potential to become the Caribbean’s number one tourist destination as there are possibilities for eco-tourism, yachting, and wild life along with a number of other tourism activities. “Government is going to strongly support this industry as this is linked with the development of other sectors… many Guyanese have migrated without the opportunity to experience all of its beauties… these would be one of our target markets.”
Ramotar said there are some impediments that pose a threat to the development of a thriving tourism sector; nevertheless, the government will step up to the challenge and coordinate with other stakeholders to have these impediments resolved on a sustainable basis.
“Government will inject the needed finances to clean up the city as the garbage situation poses a threat to the promotion of our tourism industry… but we will have to find a permanent solution by involving stakeholders to ensure the city maintains a standard… the objective is to have Georgetown return to the standard which it once had of being the Garden City,” President Ramotar said. Towards this end, he believes that it is important to develop the necessary strategies and tactics to efficiently and effectively utilise human capital and other resources in a manner that will boost the tourism sector.
REDjet Executive Chairman, Ian Burns said it is a widely accepted fact that Guyana is a place with many booming sectors such as tourism with oil and natural gases soon to be discovered.
“Guyana is well positioned for a number of tourism activities such as eco-tourism and wildlife, coupled with the fact that Guyana has a rich culture and friendly people, nevertheless, tourism cannot go forward without collaboration,” Burns said. He said that REDjet strives to capture the attention of tourists destined for the Caribbean and other destinations by providing affordable airfares.
“A regional collaboration would see regional integration that amasses economic and social growth for all… it was because of a collaboration with Guyana’s tourism Industry and RedEDjet that saw REDjet flying more than 30,000 passengers to Guyana in December 2011… another such initiative was more than 5000 passengers being flown to Brazil,” Burns said.
The award ceremony saw Rewa Lodge receiving Outstanding Resort of the Year Award; Andy Correia, the Bird Guide of the Year Award; Air Guyana and Jerries, receiving the Product Development Award; and Karanambu Lodge Inc, the Exemplary Performance, Safety and Standards Award.
Demerara Distillers was recognised as a patron of THAG; Bushmasters for the Industry Award for long Service & Contribution to the sector; Rock View received the Outstanding Contribution Award and Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT& T) was recognised as a sponsor of THAG.