…“newspaper just trying to remain relevant”

In response to a spate of articles in Kaieteur News since the PNC-led APNU/AFC Government took office, which laid numerous claims of corruption and other irregularities during his administration, former President Donald Ramotar said the Kaieteur News was desperate to retain some “relevance” in the new dispensation and had descended into “wild fabrications”.
Ramotar had recently demanded that Minister of Finance Winston Jordan “bring evidence” to buttress his claims that the audits launched by his government indicated state-owned entities violated the law “with impunity”. The former head of state pointed out the fact that Jordan had asked the Auditor General’s Office to recheck the audits, meant nothing substantial had been found up to now. In addition the Finance Minister, he said, was putting pressure on the AG’s office to go along with his premature conclusions.
In an interview with this newspaper, Ramotar said government officials like Finance Minister Jordan might be reacting to the daily onslaught by Kaieteur News demanding convictions and jail for individuals who the editor and propitiator of KN had fingered even before the elections.
“Take the case of NICIL” said Ramotar, “for years, the KN had been hounding its CEO Winston Brassington for alleged corrupt acts. But even after the audit by Goolsarran could provide no evidence of wrongdoing under the applicable laws, the Kaieteur News would not let up.”