Ramjattan wanted to be AG

Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan

Founding Member and recently elected leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan has disclosed that after his party in coalition with the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) won the 2015 elections, he wanted the position of Attorney General (AG).
However, during a live radio programme last week, Ramjattan said he had to step aside since Basil Williams, a member of People’s National Congress/Reform (PNC/R), also wanted the position. The PNC/R is the largest party in the five-party APNU, which holds the majority in the coalition Government.
“My first choice was Attorney General… [But] Basil Williams was also interested in that and we had to opt for the next and that was security,” Ramjattan stated.
Over the years, AG Williams, who is also the Legal Affairs Minister, has been heavily criticised for the State losing a lot of cases under his watch. However, both he and President David Granger have defended his performance.
Ramjattan, nevertheless, noted that his expertise in the criminal law area was better put to use as Public Security Minister.
He further posited that his party, the AFC, got what it deserved after coalescing with the APNU in February 2015 to successfully contest the 2015 General and Regional Elections.

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