Ramjattan takes over AFC leadership

Speaker of the National Assembly and former leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) Raphael Trotman has resigned from the party’s executive and from contesting senior positions within that party.
Trotman made this announcement while addressing delegates at the party’s third National Conference held at St Paul’s Retreat Centre, Vryheid’s Lust, East Coast, on Saturday. The conference was held under the theme “Delivering Hope and Change”.

Former leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) Raphael Trotman

At the forum, senior party member Khemraj Ramjattan was elected leader of the party. Trotman said the AFC being able to convene its third national delegates’ conference during its seventh year of existence has made history.
He also questioned the youthful existence of the AFC, which he said is misunderstood. He believed without prejudging the decision of the election, he firmly stands by the choice of Khemraj Ramjattan becoming the next party’s leader.
Further, he noted that Ramjattan knows where the party is, and wants to go. The outgoing leader said that he is very proud knowing that a third party which often is called “Wishi Washie” is now an evolved body that is able to achieve goals which several political parties, local and overseas cannot accomplish.
The outspoken House Speaker highlighted that although he will not be contesting for any leadership positions within the party, he still remains a member.
“I firmly announce before all the delegates that I would not be contesting for any senior position in the party.” The former leader made the decision in light of the demands of his current post as Speaker of the National Assembly.
Trotman is of the firm conviction that as a political party, “the AFC like a living organism, must grow, adapt and evolve continuously if it is to remain relevant and connected to its members and society.”
Trotman was elected as leader of the party in 2006 and 2009, and has remained in the position ever since. “I am still a member of this party, I can’t leave it, I am joined to it by an umbilical cord and I am going to be here forever.”
Prior to him making this disclosure, the outgoing leader sought to apologise to anyone he may have offended unknowingly during his tenure.
According to Trotman, he is a part of a third party which still has lots of things it needs to do. “We have to carry on doing the right thing by centering our activities to members of the public.”

Khemraj Ramjattan, who also addressed the conference, said even though his party along with the other opposition parties was accused of lighting the fuse of the Linden fiasco.

In defending the AFC’s continuous presence in Linden, the newly-elected leader added that his party was just doing what any democratic politician would do.
The AFC believes that where good governance is prevalent; all the officers in that body must be held accountable for what plays out in office under his watch.
He said although there has been a strong alliance with the opposition, at the end of the day, “we must realise that there is need for healing and reconciliation.”
“We might be angry with Donald Ramotar on issues, but we must respect his office and at least go meet him to decide on matters that matter for the future of this country.”
He called on the delegates to continue to build Guyana as a country with racial harmony, starting at the community level.
The conference saw the attendance of quite a few representatives from the regions and the diaspora. Nigel Hughes has been elected chairman of the party.

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