Ramjattan says fate of Guyana in hands of citizens

Chairman of the Alliance For Change, Khemraj Ramjattan, said 2011 must “see us being the masters of our

Chairman of the Alliance For Change, Khemraj Ramjattan

individual destinies, doing that which is right and just and befitting our human dignity and morality.” In a New Year’s Day message, Ramjattan said previous years have seen this clichéd wish not being truly fulfilled for whatever reasons. “However, let us together make it happen this time around, notwithstanding the severe constraints and challenging hurdles we will face, and which oftentimes we self-impose.” He said that, when Guyanese jointly and individually pursue such an exercise, they can elevate themselves. 

“We must distance ourselves from those who practice discrimination, and exploit racism, preach violent politics, perpetuate wastage and extravagance…” Ramjattan said the fate of Guyana is in the hands of Guyanese. “Especially those of us who feel we are not to be involved, and are mere bystanders…. We can and must have a hand in transforming the future that awaits us in 2011. As President Obama said, we must be the change we want! Let 2011 not be another year where that promise remains unfulfilled.”


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