Ramjattan is pulling Guyana backward

Dear Editor,

The recent allegations put forth by Khemraj Ramjattan, leader of the AFC, are based in lies and political selfishness. Ramjattan has alleged that the PPP/C has offered money to parliamentarians to vote against a No-Confidence Motion, but he has provided no evidence that this actually happened.

Even Opposition Leader David Granger has called into question the validity of these accusations in a recent ‘inewsguyana’ article.

It seems as though Ramjattan is attempting to mislead the public and tarnish the name of the PPP/C, distracting from the fact that he and his party have offered no solutions to the problems that are actually facing the people of Guyana.

Rather than trying to invent stories that are based on lies, Ramjattan could focus on trying to work to pass a budget, improve Guyana’s infrastructure and even work with members of the PPP/C to find common ground.

Instead, he has chosen to spread falsehoods and drag down the entire Parliament for his own political gain. If Ramjattan cannot produce any evidence to back these allegations, perhaps the members of his party should question their confidence in Ramjattan himself.

His decisions and actions have not been those of a true leader, but of a man who is trying to engage in the kind of political trickery that the people of Guyana don’t deserve.


Marcia Quintex

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