“Ramadaan is a time for reflection”

Punadai Ramdass (second right) with her husband Manzoor and three children on their way for Eid ul Fitr prayers

The importance of family cannot be underestimated and stems from its significant role, namely the making of an individual who benefits himself and others. This calls for a much longer, deeper and harder period of training.
Taking care of one’s family is an important part of every religious belief since the bond forged by family members runs deeper than any other bond. While everyone takes care of their family in their own unique way, Punadai Ramdass is no different. The mother of three girls does everything in her power to ensure that their lives are comfortable and that they can follow the teachings of Islam as prescribed by the Holy Qur’an.
Family togetherness during Ramadaan is especially important for parents of young children and adolescents. Children’s early experiences of Ramadaan informs the feeling and memories they associate with this blessed month throughout their lives.
Creating family traditions to get children excited about and engaged with Islam during this month will help them grasp hold of the inexplicable aura of blessings and sacredness that we as adults cherish about Ramadaan.
For Ramdass and her family of four, Ramadaan is a time they use to reflect on the trials of the past year as well as all they would have accomplished. They set goals and set about achieving them.
“Ramadaan is where we reflect on everything. It is time for our family to follow the rules of Islam. We are not bothered about waking up at three in the morning and getting our day started.
We actually look forward to Ramadaan every year,” the matriarch said.
In preparation for Ramadaan, Ramdass and her family would get involved in thoroughly cleaning their house so that the workload is somewhat lighter during the period of fasting. This gives the family the time to become much closer as they would begin and end their fast together, pray together and visit the masjid.
One of the highlights of the family’s time during fasting is looking forward to celebrating Eid ul Fitr and breaking bread with their fellow Muslims.
This Ramadaan is like every other for the family as they reflect and give thanks for everything the Almighty Allah has afforded them.
Now that her eldest daughter is married and have started a family of her own, Ramdass prays imparts that Islamic knowledge to her grandson. She spends time teaching him the Qur’an and ensure that he follows the rules of Islam.

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