Rallying for a good cause

Dear Editor,
Help for needy children must be encouraged. I take my hat off to Comfort Sleep for donating a number of beds to the St Ann’s Orphanage. Along with the beds, came a large quantity of food items, haberdasheries and miscellaneous necessities.
My mind goes back to December 28 last year when some 12 orphanages benefitted from a Gy$20 million donation by the Guyana Goldfields Inc and, during the same period, Giftland OfficeMax launched its “12 Deals of Christmas”, donating to 12 orphanages. Historically, orphanages have been defined as institutional or group care facilities that house children, who are unable to live with their parents from the time of their admission until adulthood. Guyana is right on track and the foster care programme, executed by the Childcare and Protection Agency (CPA) is extremely good. The last count revealed that Guyana can still do with many more foster parents. Mindful, this is not some careless happening.
The intended surrogate homes are thoroughly investigated before children are placed into them. St Ann’s Orphanage has a rich history, being around now for more than 100 years. It has grown from this small beginning – the orphanage is currently home to 41 girls, ranging from three to 17 years old. The emphasis on education is indeed quite important. This must be encouraged in all care- giving homes for children. I urge Guyanese, especially those who cannot adopt, to help out even in the smallest of ways, homes like St Ann’s Orphanage.
Yours truly,
Jewel Marshall

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