Question for the American authorities

Dear Editor,
The recent intimation by Justice Kennedy that he intends to vacate his position in the US Supreme Court has been met with a barrage of questions focusing on the ‘political leanings’ of his likely successor.
These questions imply that the resignation of Justice Kennedy provides Donald Trump, the current US President, the opportunity to select a replacement who obviously subscribes to the ‘political’ beliefs and ‘ideological’ leanings of the Republican party as opposed to the Democrat party.
To virtually ‘institutionalise’ such ‘political’ considerations in the selection processes for such a critical position is worrisome from several standpoints; not least of which is the fact that it goes against the universally acceptable core principles of effective staff selection such as objective and relative knowledge, skills, qualifications, experience and competencies of the competing candidates.
If these are relevant and essential in all other staff selection processes, why are they ignored in the case of Judges, especially Judges of the highest court of the land?
I wonder what will be the reaction from all and sundry if the selection of Judges in Guyana was to follow suit!
It would be interesting to have the comments of the American authorities on this apparent departure from universally acceptable staff selection processes.

Nowrang Persaud

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