Quaking in their boots

Snap elections panic


After overplaying their hand in Parliament with their indiscriminate axing of the budget, the opposition APNU/ AFC are petrified that President Ramotar will call snap elections. They couldn’t have missed the revulsion of the hinterland communities to the inane chops to the LCDS, which at last would have placed Amerindians in the drivers’ seat on national development.

They’ve seen the anger in youths when the OLPF and fibre-optic cable programmes – designed to bring them into the twentieth century – were slashed into oblivion.

We are sure that thinking Guyanese understand the implications of the roadblocks placed in front of the Amaila Falls Hydro Project to secure future cheaper electricity costs. So the opposition wankers are quaking in their boots.

This was made clear in their leaders’ frenetic rush to ‘explain’ their chops and body blows to the budget, to the riled up populace. You can see the panic also in their second tier apologists in the media. The now subdued Kissoon was his usual confused and demented self recently. On one hand he swears that the PPP has done nothing to woo back “disaffected” supporters but yet they will call snap elections!

The PPP, – from a man who has never conducted a poll in his life and has called every election wrong from 1992 – is “a prisoner of its own insane imagination”! On the other hand a strengthened opposition that could “most definitively win” – should not contest!! Get it? Well if you do, take a bow! All along poor, deluded us thought that political parties were in the business of winning elections! Not according to the now out-of-work Kissoon.

The opposition, he explains, should not go into an election but should impose “constitutional” changes and ‘rearrange’ GECOM. That it would need a two-thirds majority to change electoral arrangements does not faze this wanker!

The truth is that Kissoon knows the opposition has been exposed for the bullying, petty, vindictive politicians they always were and fears a snap election. What a bunch of wankers!



But as it usually does, ‘mouth open and story jump out’ on the panic in the opposition camp. Kissoon let on that the AFC is considering dumping Ramjattan as the presidential candidate and replacing him with Moses “Shut yuh so-and-so mouth” Nagamootoo. Oooohhh!

This is cold! After all the news-carrying, betrayals and sucking up by Ramjattan, he is to be discarded like used toilet paper? But then when you live by the sword, you’ll die by the sword. That’ll be the end of one wanker! But the bloodletting won’t stop there. Evidently, the AFC has written off Trotman, whom, we had predicted would be gravitating back to the PNC where he thinks the prospects are rosier.

Trotman is not prepared to be stuck with a party that by definition is a ‘wedge’ between the PPP and the PNC. Like Burnham, his hero, Trotman has long written in his copybook that he’ll be president of Guyana. Dreamer wanker! According to Kissoon, his spot on the ticket will go to Nigel “Wannabe SC” Hughes. Dubbed the new “Rodney” by Kissoon, Hughes must have earned that title ‘grounding’ with the ‘brothers’ in the exclusively gated ‘gullies’ of New Providence! But hold on… wasn’t Ramjattan, the Indian, the last presidential candidate of the AFC? And by their racial arithmetic, isn’t it the African-Guyanese turn? Ah well!! There is no logic – and certainly no principles – in the self-narcissism of wankers.


Love’s lost

Poor Harripaul. Seems his heart is broken. After giving his sycophantic best to Granger and APNU, looks like he’s out with them and is gravitating to the AFC. As opposed to the once godlike qualities he attributed to Granger, he now warns if APNU takes power after snap elections without constitutional change, then it’s back to a ‘dictatorship’. Hell hath no fury like an ex-soldier spurned!

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