PYARG has been a stepping stone for youths – Tennicia De Freitas

As the President’s Youth Award Programme of Guyana (PYARG) celebrates its 13th anniversary, Guyana Times International features Tennicia De Freitas, one of Guyana’s young talents who completed up to the silver medal of PYARG. The jubilant singer, model and actress said: “I am one of the youngest performing artistes in Guyana and a Silver participant of the President’s Youth Award: Republic of Guyana programme.

I have been a part of the Award programme for over four years, and I can honestly say it has changed my life.

“Ever since I’ve been involved with the programme, I have grown tremendously as a person, and I’ve learnt what it means to be a leader amongst my fellow youths. It also enabled me to be a role model for others to follow, and this has helped me to realise my values.

“Through the award programme, I got the opportunity to see parts of my country that I never knew existed, and met different people with different personalities from other countries as well.

“I am a great lover of music, and the programme has also helped me to discover that there is more inside of me than I knew; especially when it comes to singing, dancing and playing of musical instruments.

“Ever since I started singing I always had a passion for learning to play musical instruments, particularly the keyboard and acoustic guitar. However, I’m always anxious about trying new things, so I haven’t ventured out along those lines as yet. However, through the Award programme I was able to learn how to play the double tenor steel pan for my Bronze Award, and this contributed to me being selected as one of the newest members of the Parkside Steel Orchestra in Guyana.

“The PYARG has given me the opportunity to do what I love, and explore some of my talents through singing, dancing and playing pan.”

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