Profits and Politics

Satiricus was agog. He’d mulled over the news about Banks’ profits for last year” Gy$4 billion! One billion dollars over the 2010 profits. Anyway you sliced it, Banks had done very well for itself.

“Man, that’s a whole lot of beer!” Suresh was also impressed. “I wonder if we’re going to get a piece of the action. “It was the elections, boy. You know how much beer was passed around at those rallies?” Hari obviously had personal knowledge from the certitude of his tones.

“Well, me see Ramotar put Clifford Rice pan de tax committee. Yesu vex, he seh he know fuh do tax too. You think Clifford gon tell Ashnee fo tax Banks some mo?” Cappo had to get his licks in. He held fast to his working class line.

“Talking about the tax committee, what happen to the Tripartite Committee Donald form with the APANU and KFC?” Suresh had settled down with his banks.

“I see Gale The Sharer and Roger Lunch Man will represent the PPP.” Kuldeep had rejoined the gang after a lapse and was ‘standing’ the beer.

“Well dem spend plenty time wid Cheddi. Me hope dem na foget what he teach dem.” Cappo didn’t sound too confident.

“Nah. Once Gale smoking like a Havan Kund, you know she thinking!” Hari got a rise out of the table with that.

“Why Hari! Like you look catch religion, or what?” Suresh looked at Hari with newfound respect. “New Year resolution?” “ Well me Maa Moo a wan pandit, you know,” Hari confessed modestly.

“AiBai! You see the picture when Naga Man and RaamJhaatAn took Trot Man to the Speaker’s Chair? Samad brought the table back to the topic that was really on everyone’s mind. “Them fellas’ faces looked sour!” “Like when cow bruk rope!” Cappo knew how to turn a phrase. “Donald words come true. Naga Man get ‘larwah’!’

“I told you guys that RaamJhaat was an idiot. He does just jump up and down like a fowl cock, making noise.” Suresh looked around at the gang. “He promised what he couldn’t deliver. He was just the water boy!” “Trot Man played him like a harmonium: squeezing his nuts from the front while hitting him on the head!” Samad was gleeful.

RaamJhaatAn was not very high on his hit parade. “He never knew whether he was coming or going!” “Well Trot Man has just returned home: He and De Backa will make a good tag team from the Speaker’s Chair. PNC all the way.”

Suresh sounded quite bitter. “With Grain Ja as the first Opposition leader with a majority in parliament, Donald better know what he’s doing.” “Is na only Donald, you know,” Cappo said in defence of his leader. “Ah he advisors, too.” “Like all soldiers, Grain Ja respects firmness, even force. He assumes conciliation comes from weakness. Donald has been advised to make concessions without demanding anything in return.” “Like you a teach politics, or wha?” said Cappo admiringly.

“Nah! Just worried, man; just worried and thinking.”

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