Private sector calls for enhanced skills in construction sector


With two weeks to go before the opening of Building Expo 2011, the private sector is calling for more innovation and development of skills in the construction industry.

Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) Ramesh Dookhoo

“The construction centre has grown by 10 per cent over the last three to four years. The average age of home ownership has dropped. That is a huge plus for Guyana,” says chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) Ramesh Dookhoo.

However, Dookhoo pointed out that there was a shortage of skills in the sector that needs to be immediately addressed.

Dookhoo’s sentiments were echoed by president of the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) Clinton Williams.

“Unless we have the skills developed to such a quality and such sufficiency,” then the industry cannot continue to flourish, he said.

These statements stemmed from a media briefing on the progress of the Building Expo which is billed for July 29 to 31 at the National Stadium, Providence, East Bank Demerara. It is expected that both the PSC and the GMSA will have a large number of exhibitors at the exposition.

Williams pointed out that if the expo is to be considered a success, then exhibitors must showcase their innovation and ability to utilise integrated technologies. The theme for the Building Expo is “Bridging the gap”, and Williams believes that if the expo is to live up to its theme , there needs to be more partnership between producers and builders.

But Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali assured that government has already recognised the need for more skills in the construction industry, and as a result has invested Gy$6 million towards the construction of technical institutes across the country.

Touting “an expo of international standards, an expo that is well planned”, Ali pointed out that over the last year there was a “tremendous growth in the building and construction sector”. More so, Ali stated that following the successful hosting of the previous building expo, several new businesses have been created.

Also seeing growth in business transaction following the first ever building expo was the banking industry.

Republic Bank’s Manager of Marketing and Communications Michelle Johnson posited: “There has been quite an explosion in the housing market, and we are seeing it in the housing market, and based on the information we shared last year, we had a dynamic year in mortgages – and this year,” According to Johnson potential home owners are “hungry for information” on how to obtain a loan when it comes to building their own homes.

“What we are looking forward to again this year is bringing a wealth of information to customers. This year we have a comprehensive guide to applying for a mortgage.” This year’s expo is already on the way to becoming a success.

Ali said that organisers of the event had to stop granting space a few days ago simply because there was no more.

Building Expo 2011 will see several delegations from the Caribbean and the U. S. taking part, many of whom are showing an interest in the housing and energy sectors, Ali said.

“So as part of this Building Expo II, we will have a specific segment that will deal with a Trinidad-Guyana business summit, looking at all the segments for Guyana’s medium- to-long- term development, and having an exchange between our private sectors so as to maximise business opportunities between these two countries,” Ali added.

Other interesting features at this year’s Building Expo include four life-size homes which will be on display and the President’s Award. Organisers of the event have challenged the private sector to be creative with their work, so that they can add to the value and worth of what they build.

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