After Magistrate, Charlyn Artiga announced that a prima facie case was made out against the five men charged for the killing of Berbice carpenter; Faiyaz Narinedatt, Attorney for the accused will now be required to lead his defence.
The Attorney, Sanjeev Dadatin had made a no case submission for his clients, however, after overruling same, Artiga made her ruling.
As such, Datadin is now expected to lead his clients’ defence on September 28 at the Number 51 Magistrate’s Court.

The five accused Orlando Dickie, Radesh Motie, Diodath Datt, Harri Paul Parsram, and Niran Yacoob are accused of murdering Narinedatt between October 31 and November 1, 2016, at Number 70 Village, Berbice.
The killing was allegedly masterminded by Marcus Bisram who is currently fighting extradition in the United States (US).
Narinedatt’s lifeless body was found on the Number 70 Village public road, Corentyne on November 1 with marks of violence about his body.
Initially, it was reported that the man was involved in a hit and run. His relatives however, denied that this was so and as such made repeated calls for the matter to be closely investigated.
It was only after a post-mortem examination revealed that the man died from a fractured skull but had also sustained a fractured spine and other injuries that an investigation was launched.

That investigation revealed that the day before he was found dead, Narinedatt had attended a party in Number 70 Village, which was hosted by Bisram who allegedly made sexual advances towards him that were rejected.
This allegedly angered Bisram.
The suspects allegedly dealt the now deceased man a severe beating before his unconscious body was placed in the trunk of a car and dumped.
Bisram who had fled the US was detained their after an arrest warrant was issued for him.