Press body roasts Ramjattan over ‘hostile behaviour’ against journalists

…says he should apologise for recent outburst

The Guyana Press Association (GPA), which is now headed by Nazima Ragubir, has strongly condemned what it described as ‘verbal abuse’ against one of its Executive Members and other media operatives by Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan.

Outgoing Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud and Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan.

According to the Association it received two formal complaints of Minister Ramjattan’s hostile behaviour and is calling on the said Minister to issue an apology.
The GPA said its Executive member Denis Chabrol was verbally abused on the phone and in person by Ramjattan.
“The verbal abuse continued later on Wednesday, February 28th 2018, in the presence of members of the media. This is as members of the media sought to interview Mr Ramjattan on a topical issue at the farewell parade of the outgoing Commissioner of Police” said the GPA.
In response to the questions posed Ramjattan responded with “haul yuh ass.”
The “haul ya ass” comment from the Minister came as he was walking away from journalists after telling them he would not be taking any questions from them.
This is not the first time that the minister has used the “haul ya ass” phrase to a reporter.
The GPA said it is also calling on President David Granger to remind his Cabinet that “journalists play a major role in this growing democracy of ours and should be allowed to do their jobs without fear or hindrance.”
Moreover, the Association said it remains committed to ensuring that its members remain respectful in their trade “but this is becoming increasingly difficult when dealing with some Ministers of Government and public officials.”

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