President Trump congratulates Guyana on 47th Republic Day Anniversary

flagThe following letter was sent to President David Granger on behalf of the people of the United States:

Dear Mr. President:

On behalf of the people of the United States, I congratulate you and the citizens of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on the occasion of your Republic Day.

 As you mark 47 years as a republic, know that the United States remains as committed as ever to our close friendship and partnership on common interests such as economic development, good governance, and environmental protection.

 I would also like to acknowledge Guyana’s role as a regional leader, which has been clearly on display since you assumed the rotating chair of the Caribbean Community on January 1.

 I offer my sincere wishes to you, your family, and the Guyanese people for a beautiful Mashramani and Republic Day.


Donald J. Trump


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