President to announce election date next week

President Bharrat Jagdeo receives the Official List of Electors (OLE) from GECOM’s Chairman Dr Steve Surujbally

President Bharrat Jagdeo has said he will be announcing the date for national and regional elections within a week’s time. He was at the time briefing media operatives at the Office of the President on Tuesday, after receiving the Official List of Electors (OLE) from GECOM Chairman Dr Steve Surujbally.

“Now that I have received notification from the chairman of the Elections Commission, I plan to… within the week, give the date of elections. So I shall, within a week, tell you what day elections would be,” Jagdeo said.

President Jagdeo assured that he would be complying with constitutional mandates that govern the calling and hosting of national and regional elections.

“This (election) will be held within the (constitutionally) prescribed period for elections in Guyana. Everything will be done in accordance (with) our constitution,” he said.

He quoted from the document presented to him by Dr Steve Surujbally prior to the media briefing: “Excellency, please be apprised that the Official List of Electors has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the National Registration Act, Chapter 19:08; the Registration of the People Act, Chapter 103; the Elections Laws (Amendment) Act, No 15 of 2000.

“Please be further informed that Official List of Electors has been duly certified by Mr Gocool Boodhoo, commissioner of registration, (and) chief elections officer; and is now ready for publication.”

The president was also in receipt of a compact disc that contained the OLE in a PDF format.

The OLE contains the names of all eligible registered persons who can vote in an election. It will be placed at strategic points to accommodate scrutiny, especially as it relates to the duplication of names. An elector’s name must appear on the OLE in order for him/her to vote.

Some 17 political parties are expected to contest this year’s elections, three of which are the main parties in the game: The ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), the recently formed coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), and the Alliance For Change (AFC).

National elections are constitutionally due by December 28, and GECOM has indicated that it would be ready for that exercise by November 14.

President Jagdeo has approximately one month to call elections before the constitutional due date.

Many theories have surfaced about the possible elections date, especially given the fact that PPP/C presidential candidate Donald Ramotar said he is not in favour of national and regional elections being held in December.

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