President threatens early polls in face of No-Confidence Vote

– Parliament to reconvene on Monday

President Donald Ramotar and Opposition Leader David Granger during one of their meetings at the Office of the President
President Donald Ramotar and Opposition Leader David Granger during one of their meetings at the Office of the President

Just days after declaring that it would be “foolish” of him to call Local Government Elections, President Donald Ramotar Tuesday night declared his intention to hold those polls “in the second quarter of next year.”

However, he said this is contingent on whether the opposition rams through its No-Confidence Motion against his administration. In that eventuality, he would use his powers to prorogue or dissolve Parliament, paving the way for fresh General Elections. While both options would precipitate General Elections, in proroguing Parliament the President would be avoiding his party be the first to fall on an Opposition No-Confidence Motion.

Ramotar made the comments during an address to the nation aired on State broadcaster, National Communications Network (NCN) Tuesday evening. Government had up to then been resisting holding Local Government Elections, citing a range of reasons why it was not feasible. The main Opposition-A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), however, which is currently engaged in countrywide protest actions, had demanded that the Head of State set a date for the poll.

In fact APNU had made the local government election issue the centrepiece of its struggle; giving lip service to the Alliance For Change- sponsored No-Confidence Vote. The President would appear to be calling APNU’s bluff and would be forcing the latter to take a stand. Observers say APNU would be in a “most uncomfortable” place when Parliament reconvenes on Monday as the President effectively gives it two options: one of going ahead with the AFC-sponsored No-Confidence Motion and face fresh General Elections or supporting its own agenda, which would see its hard fought campaign for local government elections being realised. Opposition Leader, David Granger in reacting to the President’s statement said that the opposition will not be threatened or intimidated.

“A Partnership for National Unity –APNU is extremely disappointed by the views expressed by President Donald Ramotar in his address to the nation… It is clear that President Ramotar is trying to intimidate the opposition by threatening General and Regional Elections and putting Local Government Elections far into the future. APNU will not be threatened or intimidated,” Granger said.

He said after deliberately delaying the post–recess sitting of the National Assembly by several weeks, “APNU feels strongly that the President’s new found urgency to bring to the floor of the National Assembly “urgent matters…in the interest of the people of Guyana” to be disingenuous. He said APNU views the President’s ‘threat’ to prorogue or dissolve the Parliament as cowardly. “The Parliament is intended to be a place for debate. President Ramotar is choosing to dissolve Parliament instead of facing up to a debate on the PPP/C’s abysmal record in office,” Granger charged.

Importance of Parliament

Meanwhile, stressing the importance for the National Assembly to recommence following the end of recess on October 10, President Ramotar said both sides of the House should use the opportunity to address critical matters that were on the Order Paper prior to recess. These matters include: the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, the Telecommunications Legislation, the Education Bill and Financial Papers. “These matters will allow us, all our people, to build a better society and a more resilient economy.”

However, the President warned against opposing forces that may seek to disrupt the current standing order. “I also wish to declare that were this not to be so, and I am provided with reasons to believe that the Parliamentary Opposition intends to disrupt Government’s business by forcing a debate on their No-Confidence Motion, I resolve to respond immediately by exercising my Constitutional options to either Prorogue or Dissolve Parliament paving the way for holding of General Elections.”

Nevertheless, he said if the No-Confidence Motion against his Administration is passed, it will lead to General Elections.

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