President Ramotar urges all Guyanese to unite and move country forward

President Donald Ramotar at the Edward B Beharry booth during the Berbice Expo held last weekend
President Donald Ramotar at the Edward B Beharry booth during the Berbice Expo held last weekend

President Donald Ramotar has again reiterated the call for Guyanese to unite so as to take the country forward, as it is only through unity that full benefits will be realised.

“We can lift a country to the state of a developed country, but we need to be united and understand what is taking place and work together to overcome our challenges and allow Guyana to realise its full potential,” the President said.

The President was at the time addressing those in attendance at the opening ceremony for the 10th annual Berbice Expo and Trade Fair at the Albion Community Centre Ground.

This year’s Expo and Trade Fair was held under the theme: “Exploiting science and technology for economic development”.

The President underscored the importance of such events in the process of developing the country’s economy.

“This year, I have noticed the theme is very timely, and coincides with the vision of Government and the vision of how our country should develop.”

Need for restructuring

According to President Ramotar, Science and Technology are important for the economic progress for any country and that for too long, Guyana was kept as a raw material-producing country; however, it was only because of the characteristic of sugar that the current Government saw it necessary to develop the industry and factories.

Some of these challenges include the fact that the sugar protocol that once guaranteed a stable price for sugar has now been taken away, and in 2010, there was a 36 per cent cut in the price for sugar by the European Union.

The President also alluded to the fact that the world is facing serious issues with climate change. “Since 2005, the opportunity days to do practice in the field have been reduced from 120 days per year to 80 days per year.”

There is also the issue of shortage of labour as Government’s investments in the education sector is providing for opportunities and options for citizens.

He also stressed the need for adding value to products in every sector, as it is critical for the sustainability of the country’s economy.

Notwithstanding all the challenges facing the sugar industry, the Head of State noted some of the success stories; these include the bio-ethanol plant, which has been set up at the Albion Sugar Estate, and a co-generation electricity system, which has been established at Skeldon. In the near future, other models are expected to be established at other sugar factories.

The President also spoke of the many investments the administration continues to pour into the social sectors, all aimed at developing the human capital of the country.

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