President Jagdeo calls for strong leadership in GCB

By Rajiv Bisnauth  

H.E President Bharrat Jagdeo

Guyana’s head of state, President Bharrat Jagdeo, is optimistic that upcoming

Bissoondyal Singh

elections at the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) would result in a new and stronger board, which is credible and can guide cricket development in our country in the years to come. 

These remarks by the president came on the heels of an ongoing heated campaign leading up to the GCB elections, just thirteen days away. 

“I know there are some good people who are seeking to lead the cricketing organization, and I hope they succeed in creating the kind of room and that they are given an opportunity to implement their vision,” Jagdeo related. The three individuals vying for the top position are the current GCB Vice President, Bissoondyal Singh, GCB Marketing Manager Ramsay Ali, and former secretary of the GCB, Bishwa Panday, who revealed that he would run for the presidency only if the respective county boards share his vision.   

President Jagdeo further revealed that, while it is necessary to have new leadership at the board level, all

Ramsay Ali

Guyanese have a role to play. He added: “Some people are caught in this negative syndrome, always seeing something wrong with our players. However, in Trinidad and Tobago and some of the smaller islands, they are fiercely loyal to their cricketers. Not that they are uncritical of them when they don’t perform, but they are fiercely loyal to people who share their same blood; and many times we, as Guyanese, are more critical of our very own, and at times not standing up for them when wrong is being done to them, especially by the West Indies Cricket Board. I hope the cricket board here in Guyana resolve their issues shortly.” 

Bishwa Panday


The Biennial General Meeting and elections of the GCB will take place on Sunday, January 30, at the Georgetown Cricket Club (GCC) pavilion; and from all indications, Bissoondyal Singh and Ramsay Ali may be the two candidates contesting the position, since both men have been endorsed by various sports administrators and prominent individuals.


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