President Granger should update his ‘Code of Conduct’

Dear Editor,
I ask your indulgence to allow me a public forum to call for a Commission of Inquiry into APNU+AFC Minister Simona Broomes’s activities as a trafficking in persons (TIP) activist. I make this call because Ms. Broomes’s recent false accusations against hard working Guyanese citizens show a callous disregard for truth, honesty and ethics. For the minister to calmly state, “I do not know what you are talking about” when asked by reporters if she had an apology for levelling false allegations after her lies had been exposed by video evidence is the demeanour of someone well versed in deception.
Minister Broomes’s lack of remorse is stunning and worrying in equal measure.
Editor, allow me to elaborate. Minister Broomes came to prominence in civil society as a social activist seeking to bring to justice persons involved in human trafficking. From inception, her vigilante style of justice was surrounded by whispers of self-interest.
Broomes said: “I wish to make it public that apart from this intimidation, and I strongly believe that this is the case, I have also been receiving emails from unknown persons who have threatened to harm me and defame my character.” 2013/09/05 Kaieteur Newspapers.
Given that we now know Minister Broomes is willing to make patently false allegations, I am asking for a Commission of Inquiry into her activities, and for the Director of Public Prosecutions to reopen any case in which her testimony or actions led to the conviction of any Guyanese citizen.
I would also urge President Granger to update his ‘Code of Conduct’.

Robin Singh

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