
…dead meat?

Inquiring minds wanted to know what’s the status of the long demanded “re-negotiation” of the Cummingsburg Accord between APNU and AFC. The demand, of course, had been made after Nagamootoo discovered he’d gotten what his erstwhile comrade in arms, Donald Ramotar, indelicately described as “larwah”, when in fact he’d been promised “largesse” of power.
Leader of the AFC, Raphael “Nassau” Trotman, however, said there ain’t going to be no list of rectificatory demands submitted to APNU the day after Valentine’s Day, as everyone assumed. After all, Nagamootoo’s nagging about the crumbs he received rather than the milk and honey (not to mention Pharaoh/Executive’s staff of power) the Accord promised started right after he discovered he was neither going to chair Cabinet nor be in charge of “governance”! He and Ramjattan were real miffed that the fatted calf was being killed for Harmon, while Moses had to make do with “larwah”!
After a year of grumbling and muttering and getting further sidelined, on May 1 (Labour Day!!) 2017 a high-level, impressive sounding “Cummingsburg Accord Review Committee” (CARC) from the AFC top tier had been constituted to enumerate the ways in which the AFC had been “dissed” and to demand what APNU would do about it. The team was made up of Dr Vincent Adams and Dr Rohan Somar (from foreign), GS Marlon Williams, former GS David Patterson, Joel Edmond, Sherod Duncan (the man who would be Mayor), a Woman For Change and a Youth For Change.
So, imagine your Eyewitness’ surprise when “Nassau” Trotman hemmed and hawed on the demands and said the National Executive Council (NEC) had been scheduled to meet this coming Saturday they’d “decide on the way forward”!! What’s to decide?? Didn’t the party already draw a line in the sand? Or have the blue waters of “Nassau” washed away the line?
From where your Eyewitness sits – as far away as possible to get perspective (and not so incidentally, to avoid that smell of dead meat!) – it’s clear the Nassau Accord between PNC-leader Granger and AFC-leader Trotman has trumped the Cummingsburg Accord. When asked about that Accord’s “review clause”, Granger pointed to its “sunset clause”, and assured all and sundry Trotman would handle it. Of course he will!!
“Nassau” Trotman, after all, has extensive experience in “renegotiations”!! Look how well he did with the Oil Contract! Two years later folks are still compiling a list of his giveaways!! And that’s why Granger can lie back like the Cheshire Cat that just swallowed the canary!!
His man from Nassau’s got it covered!! But the question is, can he cover the stench of the “dead meat” the AFC’s become?
Then again, does it matter??
Your Eyewitness is more than a tad amused by the storm in the (enamel) teacup over the lyrics in one of the entries in the Junior Calypso Monarch competition. Someone complained it was vulgar. The composer then published the lyrics via the letter pages and to be honest, how different from the norm is “So I took out ma dog and put licks in her cat”? The “dog”, the fella explained, was made of “leather with some balls inside”. Or about another (female) neighbour inviting him over and “pushing her saltfish into his mouth”?
Now wasn’t it the King (Sparrow) himself who spoke about telling a kid his name was “Ben-wood Dick” who’s looking for the kid’s sister Mildred, and had “gi’e she already”?? Or when he sang about wanting to see “Miss Mary ‘one pound” – big and hairy one pound”? The fact of the matter, the majority of calypsos have always been smut – thinly disguised as “double entendres”. Is we cul-cha!!
Why no one’s complaining about what passes for “dancing” during Mash. Dogs in heat have more decorum.
…unpatriotic anonymity
Why doesn’t Go-Invest expose the person who warned away investors from our sinking Guyana? They said the fella tried to blackmail them.
So it’s also a Police matter?

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