PPP/C wants swift resolution to electricity situation in Guyana

Dear Editor,

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is cognisant of the inconvenience the recent spate of power outages has caused many Guyanese, especially during this festive season.

It is not unreasonable for consumers to expect the provision of uninterrupted power supply, the need for which becomes exacerbated at this time. While the party calls on the utility company to do its utmost to ensure that consumers are satisfied, it is not oblivious of the challenges faced by the entity.

These challenges were compounded by the inexcusable act of the combined opposition to use its one-seat majority in the National Assembly to slash subsidies provided by the government to the Guyana Power and Light (GPL). These subsidies bring tremendous benefits to electricity consumers and help the utility company to mitigate some of the challenges it faces.

As the season of goodwill is celebrated, the PPP/ C would expect that with the dawning of a new year, the opposition would remain cognisant of the consequences of its action and the deprivation it imposes on citizens.

The party is hopeful that the opposition would endeavour to be more responsible especially when the citizenry stand to be affected.

Similarly, the party urges GPL to be mindful of the expectations of consumers and to work assiduously to deliver acceptable services.

As Guyana continues to grow and its people prosper, the demand for the use of electricity increases.

This is further compounded by the continuous and robust expansion of the housing sector and the enabling environment provided for Guyanese to continually improve their lifestyle.

It is in this context that the PPP/ C reiterates the need for the opposition to be responsive to the needs of Guyanese as the country continues along the path of development.

Under the PPP/ C administration, thousands of Guyanese from across the country have been able to access electricity for the first time. As more consumers are added to the grid, it is the party’s fervent hope that GPL would keep in mind the country’s growth and expansion in its planning.

Further, the party hopes that current circumstances would be mitigated and that the inconvenience being experienced by consumers would be corrected and not allowed to damper spirits.

The party would like to take this opportunity to extend season’s greetings to all.


Vickram Bharrat PPP/C – Freedom House


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