PPP/C says looking forward to debate on Rodney CoI Report

As thousands in Guyana and many other countries, observe the 36th anniversary of the assassination of Dr Walter Rodney, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) says it is looking forward to the debate in the National Assembly on the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the scholar’s murder.

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee, today told reporters during a media briefing at the party’s headquarters that the PPP is joining with all progressive, democratic and peace loving persons in Guyana and around the world in observing Dr Rodney’s 36th assassination anniversary.

He stated that the PPP supports the findings in the Rodney Commission of Inquiry and will reject any attempt to either ‘water-down the recommendations’ or denigrate those who contributed to the Commission’s work.

According to the General Secretary the shades of evils and transgressions that Dr Rodney fought against “continue to haunt us” and that early signs of a return to “vintage Burnhamism” being executed unabashedly by the heirs to his dictatorial legacy are now being witnessed.

“The Rodneyite beliefs in racial and working class unity are now being whittled away by the Burhamite beliefs in divide and rule reminiscent of British Colonial rule, and now being executed by the Ministry of anti-Social Cohesion. Regrettably, this process is being aided and abetted from within by Clive Thomas, David Hinds, Rupert Roopnarine and Maurice Odle who once openly opposed the PNC and its iron rule but who for reasons known only to them but more particularly because of their deep hatred for the PPP,  its members and supporters, chose to jump  into  bed with the same people who were part and parcel of the political and coercive apparatus that is responsible for Rodney’s tragic demise,” Rohee contended.

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