PPP/C expresses support for Maduro

The People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) has extended solidarity with the government of Venezuela in what appeared to be a well orchestrated attempt by the opposition parties with backing from local and overseas reactionary groups to destabilise the democratically-elected Maduro administration from office.

The ruling party in a statement said it has been following closely developments in that neighbouring state and wished to condemn in the strongest possible terms the loss of innocent lives by provocateurs, whose only objective is to reverse the clock of history and restore the old order, based on privileges for the wealthy class at the expense of the poor and the downtrodden.

The party said it applauds the enormous economic and social gains made by the Venezuelan government under the charismatic leadership of the late President Hugo Chavez and now President Maduro on behalf of the Venezuelan people, in particular, the ordinary working people.

The PPP/C said the political opposition had hoped that with the passing of Chavez, the Bolivarian revolution would have lost momentum. However, much to their chagrin and disappointment, the aspirations and dreams of Simon Bolivar for a free, democratic and just order in Latin America is continuing unabated.


“The current unrest in Venezuela has to be seen in that context. The party calls on the opposition forces to respect the will and the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people and to desist from all attempts to incite violence and unrest in the society.

“The PPP/C empathises with the Venezuelan government in its attempt to raise the quality of life of the Venezuelan people in the face of a hostile political opposition, a situation all too familiar with what is taking place in Guyana where the combined political opposition is using its one-seat majority to blackmail the country and thwart the developmental agenda of the PPP/C government,” the statement said.

The PPP/C said it is confident that the will of the Venezuelan people will prevail over the forces of backwardness and reaction.

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