PPP/C expects a resounding victory – Finance Minister

– says electorate dissatisfied with opposition’s parliamentary actions

Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh
Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh

Going into elections 2015, Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh opined that the incumbent People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) Government expects a resounding victory.

During an interview on the National Communications Network’s Political Scope on Saturday, the Minister spoke of his expectations heading into the upcoming elections.

Dr. Singh predicts that the victory will see the party regaining the parliamentary majority. “I say this because throughout the length and breadth of Guyana where I travelled, I have heard almost a singular clear message emerging from communities and villages, and that is a message of frustration in relation to the antics and tactics of the combined opposition during the life of the 10th parliament.”

 According to the Finance Minister, it is the consensus of Guyanese that they are disappointed with the manner in which the one-seat majority held by the opposition was used for disruptive, destructive, and obstructive purposes, rather than for constructive purposes.

More often than not, the Minister added that the messages are delivered through the specificity of comments offered in frustration about the challenges faced in relation to electricity and why the current administration has not yet harnessed hydro power electricity, “…although we have been talking about it for generations, and then anger that the opposition has been obstructing the attainment of this long embrace objective.”

In addition, he said many have expressed their frustration at cuts imposed on the national budget and the realisation of the imposed hardships, three years in succession.

“I believe that there is a groundswell of displeasure at the manner in which this one-seat majority has been used by the opposition. I believe that people have recognised the sub-optimal and dysfunctional situation that this new dispensation has placed our country in.”

Notably, Minister Singh said having travelled to most parts of the country, and having met with many stakeholders, he now hears a strong message of enthusiasm that this will be corrected and reversed, in an emphatic way come May 11.

In the meantime, Minister Singh said in the coming weeks, Guyanese will hear, as they always do in an election period, from all political parties about why they should vote for them.

Speaking of the coalition of the opposition APNU and AFC, he said, “What is interesting is that throughout the conversation is how the pie of leadership will be carved up, but there is no talk about a developmental agenda, and that apparently has been relegated to irrelevance.”

This, Minister Singh said, tells the whole story of what Guyanese can expect from the newly formed coalition.

On the contrary, Minister Singh said the PPP/C has demonstrated its commitment to development in Guyana and evidently, very significant transformation has taken place over 22 years of the PPP/C being in power.

“I believe that the people recognise that we have the most viable, most credible and genuine and sincere plan for taking our country forward along a positive development trajectory, so I’m very optimistic we will see this dysfunctional situation in the parliament corrected with the return of the PPP/C to a majority in the parliament.”

He added that even amidst the fact that election is not constitutionally due until next year, the incumbent  is ready and willing to face the electorate since unlike other parties they have no reason not to have every confidence.

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