PPP to name presidential candidate next month

By Michael Younge

PPP General Secretary Donald Ramotar

The ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic is the last major party to select its 2011 presidential candidate, but top officials say that Guyanese can expect this announcement to be made by early April.

Speaking with Guyana Times International, PPP General Secretary Donald Ramotar said he is aware that some in the public domain, like some long-time supporters, are growing impatient, but the announcement will be made in “a matter of weeks”. He said that the party did not want to take too long to select its candidate, but it is a major issue for the PPP.

“We must take our time, and I don’t want to commit myself to any specific timeline, but it’s a big issue for us and we have to be careful when making the final decision and announcement,” Ramotar stated. He is convinced that the process to select the new candidate was moving ahead without any hiccups.

Questioned on whether the party had resolved the internal conflict on how this new candidate will be selected, Ramotar explained that no decision has been made, but any decision the party makes will be duly announced publicly. He said, too, that any decision made with respect to this issue would be in the party’s interest, and not in the interest of a select few or a minority. Some of the presidential candidate nominees have been clamouring for secret balloting to select the party’s candidate, but the PPP has reiterated that it is sticking to its old system of voting by a show of hands.

The general secretary, who is also one of the presidential candidate hopefuls, also expressed satisfaction with the process that is being used to nominate and screen nominees. He believes that the meetings that are being held with the nominees are satisfactory and appropriate.

Responding to allegations that he was being favoured for the position by President Bharrat Jagdeo, Ramotar stated that he did not have a problem with this view. He mentioned that he sees it as an honour to be endorsed by the president, and that honour equally applies to whichever of the other candidates is so endorsed. The other candidates are Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran, and PPP executive member Moses Nagamootoo.

He said, however, that the president has an equal say in matters of the party when compared with any other member, so he should not be treated differently. Ramotar emphasised that the process itself is transparent, and at the end of the day “the party supporters and people of Guyana” will decide who they want to head the PPP camp and become president.

“It’s not about me, and certainly not about the PPP; because, at the end of the day, it’s the voters that have the last say, and they will decide ultimately who they want to be president. But I am pleased if some want to believe that I am being favoured by the head of state; but the process is fully transparent,” Ramotar declared.

He did mention during the interview that all of the presidential candidate hopefuls are “qualified” to be president, and he has the “utmost” respect for them.

He pointedly added that he did not want to compare himself to the other candidates or discredit any of them because, at the end of the day, each of them is deserving of the post, and can perform acceptably. He then explained that popularity and public opinion play an integral role in the selection, but he stated categorically that “whoever is chosen will have the full support of the party’s hierarchy”.

Babu John

Addressing the controversy which arose out of President Jagdeo’s recent speech at Babu John, Ramotar dismissed accusations that the president’s comments were “racist, inflammatory and deceitful with respect to the main opposition’s presidential candidate and his track record.”

He said the statements were intended to set the record straight and allow the public to know how the PPP feels about David Granger and the PNC. He said that the statements made by the president and the party are all part of the “healthy political and elections debate”, which will continue during this period.

Ramotar was firm that, compared to the PNC, his party has done more for Guyanese – transforming their lives and reducing poverty significantly, while restoring hope for a brighter future and better lives. He was also confident that the PPP would be re-elected to office with a “bigger majority”.

Meanwhile, the Alliance For Change party has confirmed Khemraj Ramjattan as its presidential candidate. The Guyana People’s Partnership has selected Peter Ramsaroop to head its presidential bid, while the Justice for All camp has elected Chandra Narine Sharma to be its presidential candidate. No date has yet been announced for the regional and general elections.

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