PPP Presidential Candidacy Race – Candidate will be announced before elections date is set

Clement Rohee

The ruling party, the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC), has said that the process to select its 2011 presidential candidate is progressing, and will be fast-tracked this week with the hope of wrapping up discussions in a timely manner.

Speaking with Guyana Times International on Sunday, February 6th, general secretary of that party, Donald Ramotar, himself a nominee for the presidential candidacy, explained that more meetings and discussions are expected to continue today and in the future on the issue of the party’s presidential candidate for the upcoming national elections.

 “We have been meeting with the senior members of the party for quite some time, but there were minor delays as a result of the presentation of the 2011 budget and the parliamentary budget debates,” Ramotar disclosed.

He anticipates that discussions at the executive level would conclude in approximately one month’s time. He made clear that even though the foregoing is his estimation, the party’s leadership is not mandated to complete its tasks at any specific timeline. Following discussions at the executive level, proposals and recommendations will be made to the ruling party’s central executive committee, subsequent to which the final decision would be arrived at. He disclosed that the party is working assiduously to finalise selecting its candidate before President Bharrat Jagdeo and GECOM announce the date for national elections. “We are competing, and so we are obliged to ensure that we make our selection ahead of Nomination Day and the other elections’ timelines that will arise,” he noted.

So far, there are five persons who have been nominated and have publicly expressed interest in leading the ruling party into the 2011 elections.

Ralph Ramkarran

Moses Nagamootoo

These are the PPPC general secretary and parliamentarian, Donald Ramotar; Speaker of the National Assembly and PPPC executive member, Ralph Ramkarran; Presidential Advisor on Governance and Parliamentarian, Gail Teixeira; Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, and Attorney-at-Law Moses Nagamootoo. However, the list of persons to contest for the presidential candidacy of the PPPC has not yet been closed, according to party officials, and others could indicate their interest in competing.

“It is not likely that there will be others who are going to come forward at this hour,” the party’s general secretary opined during the interview.

After a final decision is made by the central executive committee, the party’s membership will become involved.

When asked whether the party’s membership has the democratic power to overturn a final decision made by its leadership, Ramotar replied in the affirmative, but indicated that such a situation has never previously occurred; so it is expected that whatever is decided by the central executive will be accepted by the party’s membership.

Gail Teixeira

Donald Ramotar

Ramotar added that the party’s culture is different from that of other political parties in the country, signalling that the members who are vying for the PPPC presidential candidacy normally do not campaign externally, as is being done by other political groups. Ramotar advised that the traditional process will continue to guide that party’s praxis in this respect.

Questioned on how the controversial issue of voting for the candidate will be done, Ramotar advised that no final decision had been reached in that regard. “This, too, is being discussed at the top level of the party,” he added. The controversy surrounds whether the presidential candidate will be selected via secret ballot or open vote. Already one presidential candidate, Ralph Ramkarran, has made clear in the public domain his position on this issue through an advertisement in the press.

President Bharrat Jagdeo, who has already served two terms, is now ineligible for a third term. He has also dispelled rumours that he is interested in serving for a third term, stating that he has to respect the constitution and the will of the people of Guyana. He has not openly or verbally endorsed any of the five nominees to replace him as the party’s presidential candidate, neither has he announced any date by which the national and regional elections will be held. The Alliance For Change (AFC) party has already chosen its presidential candidate, Khemraj Ramjattan. The main opposition party, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), is also now in the process of selecting its presidential candidate.

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