PPP postpones congress to focus on elections

The central committee of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has agreed to postpone the holding of the party’s 30th congress, which was due this year in order to focus its full attention on the upcoming elections.

A motion to this effect was unanimously approved by the central committee.

According to the party, the central committee met on Saturday to assess the situation prevailing in the world at large and the local political, economic and social conditions in Guyana. At the international level, the party noted with great concern the downgrade of the U.S. credit rating and its likely impact on the global financial markets. The meeting noted that already there are indications of turmoil in the markets which could have adverse effects on the economies of the developing world and on the lives of ordinary people.

The volatile financial and economic situation in a number of European countries, more notably Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain resulting in drastic cuts in spending was also a cause of concern.

“The crisis in Europe is spreading to Italy and UK, where riots have broken out,” the PPP noted.

According to the release, great interest in the grave situation in the Middle East was expressed at the meeting.

At this time the loss of lives in Libya, Yemen and Syria due to internal conflicts and in the case of Libya, due to the intervention by NATO is extremely distressing.

“The party extends its solidarity to the forces fighting for peace and democracy while it condemns the outside interference in the civil war in Libya.” At the local level, the party noted with satisfaction the fact that more than 7000 persons have been registered by the Guyana Elections Commission during the 13 days reopening if its Claims (10 days) and Objection period. This, the party said, has “fully vindicated the PPP’s position” on the reopening, despite strong objections from the opposition parties, in particular APNU and the AFC. “The party is heartened by the fact that it was mainly responsible for ensuring that such a significant amount of eligible persons in all region registered in that period.”

“The PPP fought for universal adult suffrage and views this as one of the main pillars of democracy,” the party said.

The central committee expressed satisfaction at the growth in our economy, despite a very unfavourable international economic environment.

It was also satisfied with the great achievements in the social sector and in the political stability in our country. The central committee was addressed by President Jagdeo and General Secretary and presidential candidate, Donald Ramotar. This was followed by discussions which centred on the need to work hard towards victory in the upcoming elections.

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