PPP dissatisfied with GECOM’s response to GPSU matter

The People’s Progressive Party said it is dissatisfied with the way the Guyana Elections Commission has been addressing issues the party raises with the body.

“When we have concerns, sometimes we are not even afforded the opportunity of an acknowledgement; and I think that is something that GECOM needs to correct very quickly,” campaign manager Robert Persaud said at a press briefing.

GECOM Chairman Dr Steve Surujbally

The statements came in light of the fact that GECOM has not explained nor responded to queries why the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) remains an accredited local observer for the November 28 polls.

“We find that as an insult and an affront to our concern, and I reiterated that in a letter to the chairman of GECOM,” said Persaud.

The matter, Guyana Times International was told, is still engaging the attention of the commissioners of GECOM, since, according to sources, the GPSU was accredited before the PPP objected to their observer status.

The PPP objected to the union having observer status because it has made quite clear “its political preference”. Persaud said that GECOM’s action reflects a pattern whereby “GECOM seems only to be putting greater emphasis on concerns expressed by the opposition”. Adding that the party feels like it is being treated in “a very insignificant way”, Persaud demanded that the election body “treat us fairly”. Persaud said that the PPP was not asking for favouritism from GECOM, rather the party would like to be treated respectfully.

While the party slammed GECOM for what it perceives to be unfair treatment, it did not provide grounds other than the non-response to the party’s correspondence concerning the GPSU.

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