PPP congress set for August

– Diaspora groups among thousands expected to attend

Amid speculation regarding the hosting of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/ C) congress, executive member of the central congress committee, Clement Rohee last Friday announced that the party will be hosting its 30th Congress in August at Port Mourant, Corentyne.
Rohee, during the party’s press briefing at Freedom House, said the committee has decided the venue for the congress will be the JC Chandisingh Secondary School from August 2-4. The school was the site for the 28th Congress which was held in 2002, Rohee related.

Founding leaders of the PPP/C and former presidents, the late Dr. Cheddi and Janet Jagan
Founding leaders of the PPP/C and former presidents, the late Dr. Cheddi and Janet Jagan

“… the party has already begun mobilising resources for this scheduled congress,” Rohee stated.
The minister pointed out that this is the PPP/ C’s first congress without the physical presence of the founding leaders Dr Cheddi and Janet Jagan.
“The first congress was held in 1950 and this will be the first one that there will be no physical presence of the Jagans who were the founder leaders of the party, it is the first time in 50 years we will be hosting a congress in the absence of them,” he pointed out.
Rohee said in addition to the participation of local and overseas party groups, they also expect involvement from fraternal organisations such as the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union, the Guyana Agriculture Producers Association, and the Guyana Rice Producers Association.
“There will be participation of delegates from all across the country congregating at the school at the Port Mourant location, and we expect the overseas chapters to send representatives as well, the PYO [Progressive Youth Organisation] and the WPO [Women’s Progressive Organisation] will also be part of this initiative,” he announced.
President Donald Ramotar, the key personality and the party’s general secretary, will preside over the congress, where the central committee will be elected by the delegates. This is the first congress that Ramotar will be attending since elected head of state.
The central committee at its first meeting following the congress, will elect the general secretary and other members of the party’s executive committee.

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