PPP/ C slams Granger’s “hypocrisy” on youth unemployment

unemploymentThe ruling People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/ C) has rubbished comments made by Opposition Leader David Granger that Guyana has a high youth unemployment rate. PPP/ C General Secretary Clement Rohee said Granger is being hypocritical about the issue, especially since the party voted against crucial pieces of legislation for the realisation of the Amaila Falls project.
“It is common understanding that cheap and reliable energy is a cornerstone for the economic development of any nation. It fuels the expansion of the manufacturing sector, attracts both foreign and local investment, and as a result, creates numerous job opportunities in various fields and sectors for the skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labour force… this is the vision which was behind our efforts to realise the project,” he stated.
The PPP/ C general secretary further added that if APNU is so passionate about the issue, then it should move to participate in national development and the creation of jobs for the Guyanese populace.
He recalled that it was that same party that was “loud in their praise” of so many young skilled Guyanese who were employed in the construction of the Amaila Falls access road, during a visit by both opposition parties to the site. A few days later, they voted against the project, placing those same young people in jeopardy.
“So in reality, Granger is sitting on a time bomb, as he is running out of excuses and every time he utters a word, the magnitude of his misinformation to his constituency is being revealed. Make no mistake about it, the APNU knows that their action and the action of its leadership were of their best interest and not that of the nation,” Rohee said.
The PPP/ C, he explained will continue to monitor “Granger’s efforts to defuse the resentment and anger of his anti-nationalistic actions”.
Non-assent to bills
Moving his attention to another issue, Rohee dismissed concerns raised by the opposition about President Donald Ramotar’s non-assent to a few bills passed in the National Assembly.
According to Rohee, President Ramotar’s non-assent to the bills was in no way political in nature as his reasons were listed in a letter to the Speaker of the House and are grounded by the Constitution.
The PPP/ C, he said, supports the president in standing up against the threats made by the APNU which were purely designed to bully him to pass “unconstitutional bills”. He reiterated that every bill that passes through the National Assembly does not result in an automatic assent by the president.
The Constitution resides in the president, a latitudinal power of discretion, as to whether he will assent or not to bills passed in the National Assembly. After careful consideration, the president, Rohee added, decided not to assent to a few bills and has complied with the procedure that the Constitution outlines when he decides to withhold his assent.
With regards to Granger’s reference that the law is very clear on the issue and they hold the government at fault, Rohee said if the APNU feels that its position is “drowned by law, why didn’t they approached the High Court after making threats to do just that since May this year?”
According to the PPP/ C, the opposition is engaged in a propaganda war to justify its actions, given the harsh judgment it is receiving from the people.

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