PPP banking on youths for nation building – Ramotar

By Samuel Sukhnandan

Some young ladies at the reception

Youth Impress, a group of young People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) activists on Thursday evening hosted a cocktail reception for youths to meet and chat with the party’s presidential candidate, Donald Ramotar.

The event saw several youths from all walks of life, interacting with the presidential candidate, discussing critical issues about their future and that of the country.

In delivering remarks at the reception, Ramotar stated that his party has always relied on young people and continues to rely on them for ideas and support.

According to Ramotar, youths play a critical role in Guyana’s future and their contributions are needed for a brighter future for all Guyanese. On this note, Ramotar recalled that three of the four people that helped form the PPP/C were all young at the time. These included President Dr Cheddi Jagan and Senior Counsel Ashton Chase.

PPP/C presidential candidate Donald Ramotar sharing a light conversation with these young party supporters

The presidential hopeful noted that Dr Jagan won the first elections in 1953, when he was just 35-years-old. In 1999, at age 35, Bharrat Jagdeo also assumed the presidency of the country. Ramotar asserted that the PPP/C is ready to embrace young people in nation building. “Over the years we have been able to build a firm platform and a firm springboard to take us into the future. We have worked extremely hard and now we’re at a stage to take our country forward in a more rapid way,” he stated.

Ramotar said he is confident that each and every youth will have a role to play in making the dreams of Guyanese a reality. Young people, he said, are needed on board since they are adaptable to the changes in science and technology, a sector that has been credited for accelerating growth in several economies.

Ramotar admitted that while there have been many developments taking place in Guyana under the PPP/C administration, there is still need for more to be done. He said for more changes and development to occur, young people must respond to the challenges and be part of the solutions. This, he said, will help to bring social and economic justice and equal opportunities to all Guyanese.

On that score, Ramotar encouraged the gathering to cast their votes for the ruling party, if they want to see changes.

Meanwhile, President Jagdeo said that the support from Guyana’s youths is needed not only during the elections period, but after.

However, he encouraged the gathering that they must first work on getting Ramotar elected into office.

He said while the party is confident that it has an excellent chance of winning the elections again, it will need the vote of each supporter, (youth and adult) in order to be victorious at the polls. Jagdeo said,

“The challenge ahead of us is a great one, we first of all have to win the elections and don’t take anything for granted. I said to my friends and supporters and I want to say this again, that elections are only won only when the votes are counted”.

Pointing to the progress in the party’s elections campaign, Jagdeo commended the youth groups working with the party, for their effort in meeting and greeting people, advising them to vote and spreading the PPP/C message to all communities.

Jagdeo explained that the PPP/C wants to see young people make real progress in Guyana, without having reason for leaving these shores.

The PPP/C has for years been encouraging youth to make their contributions to Guyana’s continuous progress and development.

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