Pouderoyen teen commits suicide

Dead: Kelvin Sukhram
Dead: Kelvin Sukhram

A West Demerara family was plunged into mourning after an 18-year-old took his life over the weekend. Dead is Kelvin Sukhram called “George” of Lot 82 Samaroo Dam, Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara.

Guyana Times International understands that the young man consumed seven carbon tablets on Saturday evening and succumbed the following day while receiving medical attention at the West Demerara Regional Hospital (WDRH).

The young man’s mother, Susan, related that she was unsure what may have prompted her son to take such a drastic step. She said that she was not aware of any problems the young man might have had.

According to the woman, she was in Berbice and returned home on Saturday. When she came home, her daughters told her that the young man said he had something to tell her.

“They said that he get something to tell me and when he tell me is either two things – is either I put he out and he gon know what to do to his self. I said whatever he tell me, I will listen to what he gah say,” she stated.

The grieving woman noted that just before 22:00h, the young man came home and repeatedly called out to her, so she went to him and he began crying. The young man then hugged her and asked her to forgive him for all the wrong things he had done (drinking alcohol regularly, coming home late and drunk, and quarrelling with her).

The teenager then told his mother that he had drunk seven carbon tablets, but she did not believe him until he threw up and was rolling on the floor crying out in pain. The woman said that they gave him raw eggs to drink and he “brought up” the tablets, but three of them were already melted to tiny pieces.

She added that they then got a car and rushed him to the hospital, where she was told that there was a 50/50 chance of his survival. She further recalled that the following day, she went to the hospital in the morning and bathed her son and cleaned his bed. She noted that the teenager was in a lot of pain and had lost his eyesight.

“I go hold he and he said “Mommy, me nah see” and open he eyes big and tell hold and I go and hug,” the woman recalled sobbing. She said that after the visiting hour was up, she left with a heavy heart and went home. While she was at home, a Police Officer showed up and told her to change as she had to go with him. By this time, she said her husband and son came in and their faces had changed.

“So I tell them to tell me if me son dead and I start cry out, but them nah say nothing, then me get a phone call and the person say he dead,” the bereaved mother stated.

According to the woman, she was told that her son might have had issues with an individual named “Chris” and that young man had called her home on Saturday night while her son had “taken in”.

She said that he said the two of them were drinking and had an argument, but he left Sukhram alone. The woman recalled too that “Chris” had even gone to the hospital and visited her son, but left without saying anything to him or her.

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