Positive changes, or not

Dear Editor,

Why all the hullabaloo about the 50% salary increase when with this new elite crop of administrators a turnaround in the future is foreseeable with the feed, house and clothe campaign in keeping with Burnham’s mantra.

We have already seen positive changes in attitude towards the City Council by vendors; the beautification of Georgetown by enthusiastic citizens; less corruption in the Police Force; a positive turnaround in the rice and sugar industries, less bashing of wives, thanks to Ramjattan’s 2 am curfew; a proliferation of trips abroad wooing potential investors; and greater enthusiasm in the Public Service, ask Patrick and Lincoln.

Sooner rather than later other positive changes will include extending the retirement age to 82; a Gy$70,000 minimum wage for Public Servants; increase in the old age pension to Gy$20,000; Christmas bonus for the Police and Army; more roads with free electricity in Sophia, West Ruimveldt, Agricola, Buxton and Linden; the indoctrination of pardoned criminals through bottom house industries and free milk and buns for primary school children in lieu of the Gy$10,000 grant.

As an army general, Granger is a strategist and like Moses the great Prophet, will turn Guyana into paradise resulting in massive re-migration starting with Sasenarine Singh and Asquith Rose.

And, with the two “bannas” and our Mayor in his cabinet, we will see a massive reduction in crime given the Buxton and Agricola experience; and with everyone being housed by 2020, we will see Granger appointing Hammie as the contractor of the Museum where he will have the opportunity in his final days to develop a replica of himself for further posterity.

Yours sincerely,

D Singh

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