Political (Im)maturity

Youths astray

They say that our future lies in the hands of our youths. If the Youth Coalition for Transformation (YCY) is anything to go by, our future is blighted for sure. Last we heard from these youths (they’re rather loose with the phrase – James Bond’s a youth?? Pleeeease!) they were arguing whether or not they were an arm of APNU.
Well, we always said actions speak louder than words. YCT’s the outfit that picketed GECOM bosses’ homes during the poll count – when APNU claimed “skulduggery” was afoot. They were the ones who defied police orders at Square of the Revolution and forced the police to fire rubber pellets at the aforementioned youthmen Bond, Collins and Felix. For the latter two especially, we guess it’s a case of once a man, twice a youth!
To cut a long story short (and YCT’s actions on behalf of APNU are EPIC if related in full) we say “If it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck – then it’s a godforsaken DUCK! So it was a no brainer to figure out who YCT were speaking about when they announced: “Political maturity needed to ensure progress”. Those who assumed they’d included APNU or even the AFC as “politically immature”, go kneel down in the front of the class! It’s the PPP, stupid!
They bemoaned that GECOM hasn’t been “reformed”. That the opposition has made “Get Rohee” the one and only item on their legislative agenda this year, obviously has nothing to do with this. It’s the PPP! “No police reform!!!” they next screamed. Preventing Rohee from tabling even the Firearms Bill, just as obviously helps in this police reform! Complaining about “extra-judicial killings”, these ‘mature youths’ demanded “justice” for the three men killed in Linden and the one in Agricola. These youths, with their more refined sense of “justice” dismissed the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) that APNU and AFC demanded and got. That one policeman is before the courts in the Agricola matter also cuts no ice. Only ‘police reform’ will do!
We wonder if they told the CoI, which will deliver its findings next month, that this can be the only ‘just’ outcome. Anything else will most likely precipitate street protests and blocking of traffic by these ‘mature’ youths and their sponsors. Like we said, our future, such as it is, lies in the hands of such as these!

Two cents
Those of another generation would remember that a ‘gill’ was worth two-cents. Harry Gill is an expatriate Guyanese who frequently offers his two cents on political and other matters. In a letter to the ‘Muckraker’ (Gills says the owner is his ‘friend’) Gill asked, “Will the government and opposition ever be able to accept constructive criticism in our national interest?” We don’t know about the opposition but we suspect that the government (Gill also says the president’s also his friend – he gets around) will lend him an ear – if he would only get his information straight. And while he hasn’t acknowledged us as a ‘friend’, we’d like to advise him that news from his ‘Muckraker’ friend’s newspaper will never be straight – once it concerns Dr Ramroop or Bharrat Jagdeo.
So when he regurgitates the ‘Muckraker’ line on Radio 89.5, he displays his friend’s abysmal ignorance on the law of corporations. So let’s ask Gill, who evidently lives in Florida, this question: “When Disney bought over ABC TV, didn’t it acquire all the rights – including pending legal ones – ABC had possessed?”

Police state?
We don’t get the time to read the out-of-work Kissoon every day. We were just startled by his Wednesday’s headline: “A car filled with policemen three days outside my home”! We had visions of a cop-stuffed car staking out Kissoon for three days. We should’ve known better. Turns out the cops made three visits because he wasn’t home the first two times. Alarmist wanker!!

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