Political campaign seeks to ignore pre-1992 events in Guyana

Dear Editor

I am one of the younger members of society. I grew up in the time of the PPP/C. I have seen many developments in my country. I understand the importance of elections to a modern day society.

I also value the informed opinion of the people. Recently, I’ve come across the MoveFoward campaign on Facebook. Their campaign includes posting a picture of themselves, along with their opinion.

This campaign is targeted at the youths of Guyana, mostly those born post-1992. The main objective of the campaign is to drive youths away from looking at what happened before 1992.

I was born in 1994, but that shouldn’t stop me or anyone my age from knowing what went on before my birth.

As I was looking at the television show “Da Vinci’s Demons”, I came across a statement that I think is of great importance to this movement. The statement was, “History is a lie that has been honed like a weapon by people who have suppressed the truth”.

I find this statement of particular importance because I think this movement, whether consciously or not, is in some way suppressing the truth.

History is very important. It has a lot of relevance in a modern society. I’m a firm believer that the present state of the country should be compared and contrasted with the past.

Judging the present in isolation would not give a proper representation of the truth. Knowledge of the past gives us a better understanding of where we have come from. This movement is preventing the population to see how far we have come as a nation.

How would we possibly know what progress we have made if we don’t know where we’ve come from?

The PNC Administration ruled Guyana for 28 years. In that time, Guyana became the second poorest country in the western hemisphere; the Guyana dollar inflated 3150 per cent; Guyana moved from 50th ranked country in per capita GDP to 133rd; racism was much more prevalent; the press was muzzled; elections were rigged; Guyana was highly indebted; the health sector fell through; among others.

This movement has shown strong support of the same party, with some of the same members. We have come a really long way as a country. This movement is based on the flawed principle that this time period should be viewed in isolation.

I find it mind boggling that members of the society are showing a public ignorance of history and are refusing to accept its relevance. Many members of the previous administration that mismanaged the country’s resources are still here today.

It’s a shame to see this blatant negligence of history. I think that no one should try to hinder the delivery of education. I would like youths of our society to help foster education in history and not try to halt it.

Davendra Kissoon

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