Political Axe Murderers


Over the years, axe murderers have gained considerable notoriety because of the absolute gruesomeness of their bloody goings-on. It’s spawned a whole genre of horror films. The mindlessness of the perpetrators – evident in the wild lopping off of heads and eviscerations of guts – just leave the horrified spectator agape.

That’s the identical reaction of many to the wild chops the combined opposition have now proposed to the budget. They make axe murderers look like choir boys. Where is the rhyme and reason for some of these chops – apart from spite and malice? Let’s look at the beheading for the LCDS projects – and that’s the only way it can be described since the opposition wants to hack off the entire Gy$ 18.3 billion allocation!

The arch wanker Ramjattan blubbered that the Norwegian money isn’t handed over from GRIF, so that the government can return with a supplemental bill later! This is the same man – schizophrenics are the same, aren’t they? – who screamed to high heaven when the finance minister brought the last supplementary bill – and nixed it, to boot. The World Bank had been holding back the GRIF funds on the grounds the government had no projects lined up. Now that the government has complied, Ramjattan and crew want to shoot it down.

What a bunch of wanker axe murderers! Do they realise that the LCDS has received worldwide acclaim as a visionary model for sustainable development? Do these wanker axe murderers appreciate that we’re making a clean break with the past and we have an opportunity to be leaders rather than followers for once? But we’ve seen these quislings in action before.

Running like the native informers they are, they’ve complained that Guyana should not be receiving money for forest sequestration to begin with. We’ve never cut our forest at a high rate, they finked. As if when these same countries that enslaved us for hundreds of years and built their economies on our backs – while polluting the atmosphere – were really interested in ‘saving our souls” as they say!

Ramjattan has callously put APNU on the hot seat for its short-term political advantage – but he is also destroying the long strategic progress of the nation. Beware the wanker!

Puppet on a string?

But the principals in APNU are ‘‘big men” – Ramjattan may be the epitome of wankerdom, but they cannot allow him to yank their chain. And this is what APNU is doing to shout like an axe murderer “Off with the entire lot of Gy$ 6 billion!!!” What’s the reason here? Linden can be subsidised by Gy$ 2.6 billion this year on electricity to pay only Gy$ 5/ kilowatt/ hr and the entire country can’t get a break for one hundredth of that? We’ll warn APNU once again.

You are only encouraging Ramjattan and his fellow wankers. Ramjattan has to make extremist statements to gain attention because he heads a fringe party. APNU represents a historical block in this country and should be thinking ahead. Does APNU really believe it’s doing its electoral chances any good by stiffing the entire country for one community? Don’t tie bundle with wankers.

If you can’t trust them with their own organs, how can you trust them with yours?


One crucial political innovation – if not the political innovation from 1992 – has been the facilitation of a permanent elections commission with the capacity to conduct elections within a reasonable time under a system of continuous registration. With the old system, the voters list always presented a nightmare to clean up. The AFC would now cut the budgeted allocation to GECOM because – hear this! – the president might otherwise be able to call ‘snap elections”! Never mind the government says it wants to hold local government elections. So because of its own paranoia – the country must put GECOM into hibernation. Will no one rid us of these wankers?

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