Police working with U.S. authorities to arrest suspect in Cane Grove murder

USA, New York State, New York City, Crime scene barrier tape

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum has confirmed that local law enforcement officers have been in contact with their U.S. counterparts with the aim of arresting one of the three bandits who were implicated in the murder of Deokumar Basdeo, 22, of Sawah Village Cane Grove, East Coast Demerara. The bandit had fled to the United States.

During a telephone interview on Wednesday, Crime Chief Blanhum also stated that the second suspect was still on the run, but the Police have launched a manhunt for him.

The third suspect, he added, is expected to be charged soon. Blanhum stated that legal advice was sought and it was recommended that a murder charge be instituted against the suspect.

Basdeo, a father of one, succumbed to his injuries while receiving medical attention at the Georgetown Public Hospital after he was severely beaten and robbed on New Year’s Day. It was reported that the now dead man attended a traditional event called “Greasy Pole” in the village and subsequently took a few drinks at one of the shops.

While at the shop, he reportedly got into an argument with a group of men who had travelled into the village to witness the activities. After sometime, the argument ceased and Basdeo left the drinking spot.

After he left the shop, the same group of men followed him in their motor car and in the vicinity of “Jango House”, he was pulled into the vehicle where he was severely beaten and relieved of his personal items.

After the men were done, they dumped him out of the moving vehicle. He was subsequently found in an unconscious state and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he died a few hours later.

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