After almost three weeks of continuous investigation into the murder of Sirmattie Ramnaress, 48, also called “Sabo” of Lot 2430 21 Avenue, Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, the file is expected to be sent to the director of public prosecutions (DPP) for advice.
According to acting Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell, as soon as the incident occurred, the police commenced their investigations.
The first person, he said to be questioned was her reputed husband, Police Sergeant Colin Bailey.
Guyana Times International understands that a file is only sent to the DPP for advice once charges are to be instituted; hence, this publication understands that someone is expected to be charged.
However, the acting police commissioner could not have confirmed whether the CCTV footage along the East Bank and Georgetown corridors were viewed.
The objective of this exercise was to get a vision of the driver and occupants of the getaway car that was found abandoned at Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara.
When asked if the cameras are working, Brumell stated “I should think so” while Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, who was also at the press conference interjected and confirmed that all are in working order.
With a recorded six per cent increase in serious crimes for the year, the commissioner stated that recently a meeting was held with the head of the presidential secretariat and the Central Intelligence Committee to discuss ways and means of robustly tackling the situation.
Ramnaress was found about 10: 00h on August 31 lying face down in her office area located close to her garage.
The entire bottom-flat of the house was completely drenched with kerosene oil while the woman’s head was bashed-in with a gaping wound to her throat. Her left hip was also dislocated and her house was ransacked.
The perpetrators also set alight a bond aback the house which was completely destroyed. They then escaped in the woman’s motor car which was found abandoned on the Liliendaal Public Road.
It was reported that the recordings from the surveillance camera were missing which evidently points to an inside job. There were no signs of forced entry and the woman’s house is secured with high grilled fence and an alarm system, which, according to neighbours, did not go off.
More suspicious as it seemed, it was reported that only Ramnaress and her reputed husband knew the secret code to open the automatic gate; hence, it was speculated that the killing was an inside job.