Police hunting killers of domino chief

Police said they are following leads that two men on a CG motorcycle are responsible for the murder of Georgetown Domino Association (GDA) President Orin Joseph, who was gunned down a few feet from his home on Sunday evening.
According to a police source, the force has received information that on the night of the murder, two unknown men drove into the area and soon after gunshots rang out.
The men on the motorcycle then fled the scene, but not before relieving Joseph, who is the owner of the “Sius” Taxi Service, of his jewellery.

 Murdered: Orin “Sius” Joseph
Murdered: Orin “Sius” Joseph

Joseph, 52, also called “Sius” of 1222 Gaulding Place, South Ruimveldt, Georgetown, was reportedly shot twice about his body on Sunday evening about 23:30h. He later succumbed to his injuries while receiving medical attention at the Georgetown Public Hospital, minutes after midnight.
The former president of the Blue Bird Domino Club was allegedly shot by two men after he went to collect his car, which was parked a block away from his home. According to reports, there was a power failure in the community at the time of the shooting.
Spouse of the dead man, Fay Joseph, on Monday explained that on the night of the shooting, there was a domino competition at their premises which houses the Blue Bird Domino Club. She further explained that normally, whenever there is a competition or meeting, her husband would remove the cars from under the house and park them some distance away, in order to facilitate parking space for the club members.
Trying to compose herself, she added that during the competition, they had experienced a power failure which forced some of the members to leave and some remained, while her husband went to their other property to turn on the generator.
Within a few minutes, he returned and at that point decided to bring back the vehicles into the yard.
She said she was tidying up the place when she suddenly heard gunshots. Being cognisant of the fact that her husband went to bring in the vehicles, she did not think that it might have been him who was gunned down, until she heard him screaming her name.
Worst fears
The woman said after she heard her husband’s cries, she realised that he was shot, but her worst fears were confirmed when she sent a cousin and a member of the club to check on him.
She added that they placed her injured husband in the back seat of the car and sped off to the Georgetown Public Hospital and she followed in another car. When they arrived at the hospital, she claimed that some family members were already with him, thus she was not allowed to see her husband.
About 30 minutes after, she was finally allowed to see the motionless body of her husband.
“I saw him lying on the bed with his eyes opened so I asked the doctors if he was okay, but they said no, he just die… I tell them to check properly to see if he in a coma since his body was warm, but they say they cannot do anything else,” she added.
She went on to say that some persons may have seen the killers.
“Two club members saw two guys on a CG motorcycle as they were leaving on Sunday evening after the blackout and the neighbours who live two houses away also claimed that they heard the sounds of bullets and saw when the motorcycle sped away,” she added.
A relative of the dead man said after the shooting, Joseph was relieved of his jewellery.
Joseph has been living in the area for the past 13 years after he migrated from Wakenaam, Essequibo and was described as a very good person who was always willing to give advice to distressed people. Joseph is survived by his wife, five children and five siblings.

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