By Bhisham Mohamed

Police have launched a manhunt for Jermaine Simon and his aunt, Tessa of Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara (EBD) who were allegedly fingered in the execution of Ryan Sooklall, 19 of Lot 27 Providence, EBD on Sunday night.
The young man was reportedly shot twice in the back by the suspect who is also referred to as “Lapsy” and who had accused him of throwing an improvised bomb on his aunt’s house in Bagotstown. According to information, the teenager and his friends were at a shop in Parker Street, Providence when the man suspected to be in his 20’s stormed into the yard and opened fire. From reports received, Sooklall ran towards the backyard but he was shot twice from behind. He reportedly ran some distance but collapsed.
The incident occurred at about 18:35h but his body was found in a clump of bushes at about 21:30h by his friends who had launched a search party. An eyewitness, Brenda Robe told Guyana Times International that she was sitting on her front step when she saw the suspect running towards her home with a gun in his hands. By the time she could have raised an alarm, Simon started to shoot indiscriminately hitting the front of the shop with the first bullet. The now dead teenager, she added ran to save his life but the man discharged two bullets in his direction. At that time they were not aware that Sooklall was shot.
Robe added that the suspect escaped on a pedal cycle. According to her, as night approached efforts to locate Sooklall were futile. Several calls to his mobile went unanswered. “I left to make a report at the Providence Police Station but as I was there, I received a call telling me that they find Ryan… me and the Police hurried home but they de hurrying with he to the hospital”, the woman stated.