PNCR to decide selection process for presidential candidate next month

The process by which the main opposition party, the People’s National Congress Reform, will nominate and select candidates for the post of its presidential candidate will be decided on later this month, when the party hosts its General Council meeting.

Chief Whip and Executive Member of the party, Lance Carberry, has confirmed that the ratification of the nomination and selection process will be one of the issues topping the agenda when the meeting is held at the party’s head quarters at Sophia.

Carberry explained that the party hopes the pro cess will be concluded in a timely manner, because of its importance. He argued that a committee was set up to make recommendations on the way forward and the process to be used to select a new presidential candidate to contest the 2011 elections.

“This committee will make the necessary recommendations at the meeting, and the leaders will review them,” Carberry noted.

He said that once agreed upon, the next step will be to implement the process so that nominations can be made internally, and eventually the presidential candidate can be selected.

Carberry said that these lection of the candidate is not only important for the party, but it will also im pact on how the PNCR per forms at the next elections.

Guyana Times was re liably informed that the General Council meeting may take place in a mat ter of fourteen days. So far, several persons in the PNCR have expressed interest in leading the par ty, as its presidential can didate, into the upcoming elections; with the most recent bring Retired Brigadier David Granger. Other high flyers for the position are Winston Murray, Vincent Alexander, Dr Richard Van West Charles, Deborah Backer, Basil Williams, and Mayor Hamilton Green.

All of the above listed persons believe that they possess the qualities necessary to lead the party at the polls, following an announcement by the leader of the party and former presidential candidate, Robert Corbin that he will not be running for the post this time around.

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