PNCR salutes GDF on 45th anniversary

The People’s National Congress Reform par-ty has extended warmest congratulations to the officers, soldiers, reservists and veter-
ans of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) on the oc-casion of the 45th Anniversary of the founding of the Force, on November 1, 1965.
The GDF was established less than a year after the People’s National Congress/United Force co-alition entered office, even before the achievement of Independence, the party said in a release. Internally, at that time, the population wasfearful in the aftermath of the most destructive communal violence ever witnessed in this country, caused by the unlawful strike in the sugar industry called by the Guyana Agricultural (and General) Workers Union (GAWU). Externally, at the same time, Venezuela and Suriname launched false claims on Guyana, and threatened military action to seize its territory. The Party recalls that, from the very start, the young Guyana Defence Force was obliged to confront challenges both inside the country and on its borders. The first Minister of Defence of Guyana, Prime Minister Forbes Burnham, was totally committed to na-tional defence and public security. He devised de-fence policies which have endured for four and a half decades, the party said.It added that Burnham explained that, from the outset, it was the intention of his administration that, in addition to its defence duties, the defence force should be involved in economic and community projects, such as agricultural produc-tion and road construction. He, therefore, desig-nated the defence force “a people’s army that is part of the people.” “The GDF has always been loyal to the gov-ernment of the day, and has stood on the side of the people, even though political administrations have changed. “The People’s National Congress Reform joinswith patriotic Guyanese in congratulating the men and women who work day and night to keepour country safe. The GDF has served the nation well, and we have every confidence that they will continue to do so.”

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