PNC grabbing what they can get on their way out

Dear Editor,
Does Mr Ganger, who likes to say he is following the Constitution while he is actually trampling on it, understand that in a lame-duck status, the Government cannot give away such large tracts of land to favoured friends? The CCJ said Government is now on a different footing. But since Parliament has not extended their stay, the PNC is now an illegal Government.
First, they gave away 400 acres in No 19, Corentyne; 700 acres in Wales; other acreages given here and there. What’s going on here? Are we witnessing the last-minute looting of State lands before the PNC is kicked out in March 2020? Can the PNC explain its actions to the nation and all those people it told that land was not available for house lots? Will the PNC now drop all made up, fictitious charges against Dr Ali, since it is doing the same thing and worse than what they are accusing the Presidential Candidate of doing?
Aren’t these the folks who have come up with trumped-up charges against Dr Ali to demonise him and sully his name, for far less acreages, decided upon by the legal PPP Cabinet? At least the PPP was a legal Government.
Can some good public-spirited person step up to sue and stop this sale and passing of transport?
Let’s see if all those Johnny-come-lately “paper” parties will say anything about this new land grab. These parties need to start talking about all these things going on that are not right. While the PPP will never fail to call out these abuses, it’s not just the PPP’s job to do so. These new so-called parties should make public statements about what they will do, and if they support rescinding these giveaway deals and other contracts signed during the time of the PNC’s lame-duck status. You now see why the PNC fought hard to extend its time in office to facilitate all these last-minute shenanigans, grabbing what they can on their way out. And with GECOM’s help, the PNC got 15 months of extra time after its defeat in the no-confidence vote.

J Jackson

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