PM Nagamootoo commends Hare Krishna Movement for contributions to society

Prime Minister Moses Nagamoottoo commended the Hare Krishna Movement for promoting “spirituality without divisions”, according to the Department of Public Information (DPI).
PM Nagamootoo gave the feature address at the one-year celebration of the Movement’s Temple located at University of Guyana Road, East Coast Demerara.
Prime Minister Nagamoottoo congratulated the officials and the movement overall noting that the religion has “no ethnicity, in fact it invites people of varying beliefs”.
Hare Krishna Movement is a 51 year old movement that advocates knowing “your purpose in life”. The G$126.5M Temple officially opened on July 11, 2016.
The temple provides free access to a wide variety of academic resources. These include a study centre, information technology centre and a facility where religious conferences and meetings can be held.
The temple also has dormitory facilities for persons studying at the Cyril Potter College or University of Guyana (UG).

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