PM Hinds pledges govt’s support for young people

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds said Guyana is extremely appreciative of the international support received based on its membership in the Commonwealth, which has allowed government to provide much-needed skills training to at-risk youth. He was speaking at the launch of the Commonwealth charter during the observance of Commonwealth Week under the theme “Opportunity through enterprise”.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds
Prime Minister Samuel Hinds

The prime minister noted that Guyana has also received assistance in the areas of education, health, management of Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) process, institutional development of the national drainage and irrigation board, governance, legal drafting, urban development, technical assistance in maritime and development of the mining sector.
Hinds stated that the launch of the Commonwealth charter sets out the values of the august body and provides an occasion for government to pay respect to Queen Elizabeth for her role in furthering the principles and purposes of the organisation within the wider community of nations.
He disclosed that government, through its various ministries, has been providing skills training, mentorship and counselling with the assistance of international aid.
“The Agriculture Ministry continues to lend technical expertise to farmers and the Culture Ministry has in place a youth entrepreneurship skills training programme in Regions 10, Six, Four and Three,” the prime minister said.
The objective of the training is to combine skills and entrepreneurship as a means of enhancing the employment potential of youths who have left the formal school system and require gainful employment, whether in the private or public sector.
Prime Minister Hinds detailed that government is allocating resources from Guyana Redd+Investment Fund (GRIF) towards development of micro-enterprises and is seeking to provide alternative livelihood to vulnerable groups.
The GRIF Steering Committee in October 2011 approved the commencement of work for the micro-enterprises.
Youth enhancement
He added that all these programmes have enhanced the ability of youths in Guyana by providing them the opportunity through enterprise to simultaneously develop the country and themselves.
Hind revealed that government will continue to collaborate with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the Commonwealth of Nations and the International Commonwealth towards the continued growth and development of all.
“Government looks forward to working with the Commonwealth family of nations on important development initiatives and takes the opportunity to reaffirm Guyana’s commitment to the ideals of the Commonwealth and work towards the common good of all mankind by providing an opportunity for everyone to utilise their enterprise,” the prime minister remarked.
On Tuesday, Guyana joined 54 other countries worldwide to observe Commonwealth Day, which was organised by Parliament.

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