Plans for Main Big Lime underway

Tourism, Industry and Commerce Minister, Manniram Prashad and other officials of his ministry held a walk-about on Main Street, Georgetown with members of the media and updated them on preparations for this year’s Main Big Lime.

He said preparations are underway for Main Big Lime, and the traditional huge Santa Claus already decorates the entrance to the walkway giving that festive feeling. 

He said the ministry is looking forward to a much bigger and brighter Main Big Lime this year, as they have been getting positive responses from people in the Diaspora, including United States, St Lucia, Antigua, Suriname, and Barbados, who are eager to come back home to meet their friends and families.

He reiterated that the lime is  where persons can come out and have fun, and it is not an exhibition. However, arts and craft producers will be showcasing their products, noting that those persons who normally sell along Main Street will be given first preference to showcase their products.

“We are looking forward to a very good, successful and secure Main Big Lime as in the past,” Prashad explained.  

He said organisers are working closely with the Guyana Police Force to ensure that all security measures are in place as police officers will be placed at all the different points along Main Street, to host yet another incident-free event and ensure traffic control. Prashad said the action starts at 14:00hrs and families can bring out their children to enjoy the games and other activities. The event will close off at 23:00hrs like happened last year. He said the response from the public, including the corporate community, has been very favourable, with big companies such as Ansa McAl, Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), and Hits and Jams Promotion, already onboard. 

Prashad said that to avoid sound clashes and confusion, the amount of music systems has been reduced and sets will be strategically placed. 

Booths are going to be placed on the sides of Main Street and not in the middle of the avenue, to ensure the smooth flow of traffic, as this event attracts thousands of persons from all walks of life. He said Delta Airlines and Caribbean Airlines are putting on additional flights during this busy holiday season, as more and more persons are coming home during this period. 

He said that several events are also going to be held during this season to attract persons from overseas.

Minister Prashad said the organisers are always looking to improve on this annual venture by the Ministry of Tourism, which is part of its calendar of events.

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