People sehin that Khemraj frighten Moses!

People talking about plenty things right now. Dem talking how de Big Market paper and it colleague in de business trying fuh “tag-team” a certain prestigious company. People sehin that is sheer jealousy because whenever somebody or something doing good, people does try fuh pull dem down. Dem seh is easy fuh understand when yuh look at how crab does try fuh climb up de side of a barrel! Dem also talking about what Moses talking about.
Apparently, somebody bust open he bag when he was given de task of doing some wuk regarding relocating people when de eastern county bridge was building. Now that de story out, people asking if is de same Moses that now hollering pun he grandson and busing de government! Base pun what was reveal de man was collecting good! Then, he was with de Cup party and that is not long ago! People asking why he didn’t holler when he was benefiting! It was same Cup party he was fighting fuh be de prezie candidate just about a year ago! Dem asking how come de party wasn’t bad when he was in it! Not only that, people sehin de way he talking now he sound like he use fuh wuk fuh free then. But de revelation was revealing! Apparently he get shock after people find out what he was doing behind de “bushes!” Now that de “bushes” clear and people see that and also what happen pun de East Bank de other day, dem can’t help talking how Khemraj avoiding fuh really condemn de incident. It was de “big” lawyer and Moses who sideline he and went and talk about consequences when a certain thing didn’t happen.
People asking how come two junior people could talk authoritatively fuh he party and not de leader! Dem seh de “key” is because Khemraj frighten Moses holler pun he and fuh sure he can’t tell de “big” lawyer anything! People sehin he and dem drifting apart faster than how some who testifying in de mining town inquiry now changing dem story! People talking about that too and dem know as de inquiry go on, different story gon come out! Dem even talking about how Gerhard stalking de home of a certain man who get injured in de East Bank melee. De people asking why he doing that and want fuh know if is undercover security he providing! Apparently, if so, he was too late. De man done suffer, just like plenty others! Knowing Gerhard, he was probably trying fuh capitalise pun it! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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