Sixty-nine-year-old Renwick Alexander called “Pompey” who was handed a 56-year prison sentence for unlawfully killing his friend, Carl Thomas in 2014 was on Tuesday given a 12-and-a-half-year sentence after he entered a guilty plea. Thomas was knifed to death on November 3, 2010, in Georgetown and Alexander was sentenced by Justice Navindra Singh after the jury found the accused guilty of murder.
However, when his matter came up for a High Court retrial on Tuesday; he opted to forego those proceedings and pleaded guilty to the lesser count of manslaughter. Justice Singh, who presided again, sentenced him to 12-and-a-half-years imprisonment, ordering the prison service to deduct the time Alexander spent on remand.
He was represented by Nigel Hughes while the State’s case was presented by Attorney Teriq Mohammed. Hughes, in a plea of mitigation told the jury that his client is remorseful for his actions. Alexander looked to the daughter of the deceased and apologised while on the verge of tears.
Thomas, 55, of Lot 35 John Street, Lodge, succumbed while receiving treatment at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
He was said to have sustained a single stab wound which punctured vital organs at the hand of Alexander. Alexander and the deceased reportedly grew up together and were said to be fighting over missing clothes on the day of the incident.